55 year old male with pain abdomen since 2 days

 A 55 year old  male patient with pain abdomen  since 2 days 

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment"

Date of admission - 11/07/2023

A 55 year old male patient bought to the casuality with chief complaints of abdominal pain  since 2 days . 

History of present illness  -

Patient initially started drinking and smoking from 30 years .

From past 2 years patient was having epigastric pain for which he went to the local doctor and would get the treatment 

It was like on and off pain which relieved on medication.

6 months back patient had severe epigastric pain went  to  near by hospital and got admitted for few days and got the symptomatic  tretament and advised not to consume alcohol 

Patient had again started consuming alcohol 

Then after one month he had  severe epigastric pain for which he got admitted in our general medicine department and was daignosed for   alcoholic disease , alcohol withdrawal secondary to drug induced ( promethazine drug ) and he was advised not to consume alcohol

Then patient had again started consuming alcohol

Pateint was asymptomatic till 2 days back then he developed  epigastric pain associated with vomitings 2 episodes .vomiting had food particles as content yesterday and coconut water today . Pain was sudden in onset and gradually progressive on and off episodes . Burning sensation over the prriumbilical region and constipation since 3 days 

Past History:

Not a k/c/o DM, HTN 

Previously admitted in the department of general  medicine for alcoholic disease , alcohol withdrawal secondary to drug induced ( promethazine drug ) 


He is tractor driver by occupation . He wakes up at 5 am and gets frenshed up and drinks tea at 8 am and then he goes to work and come back by 10 am and then eats rice and then again he goes back to work and come by 2 pm . He goes to work and come back by 6 pm . He drinks tea and goes out for drinking and come back by 8 pm and then eats dinner and goes to sleep by 10 pm . 

His daily routine has not changed much . He can do his daily activies as usual . 


   Occupation:. Tractor driver 

    appetite : normal 

     Diet : mixed

Marital status : married

Bowel movement  : regular      

Micturition: normal

Alcohol : regular from 30 years ( 150 ml ) 

Smoking : 15 beedis per day for 30 years 


Patient is conscious, coherent, co-operative.

There are no signs of icterus, clubbing, pallor, cynosis, lymphadenopathy and edema

Vitals :

Temp - afebrile 

PR - 99 bpm 

RR - 18 cpm

BP - 130/80 mm hg 


Cardiovascular System

Thrills-  no

Cardiac sounds- S1, S2  +

Cardiac murmurs - No


Position of trachea- central

Breath sounds- vesicular

No Dyspnea and wheeze



Obese abdomen

Umbilicus central and inverted 

All quadrants of  abdomen moving equally with respiration 

No scars , sinuses , engorged veins , visible palpations 


No local rise of temperature 

Tenderness present in epigastric region 

Perabdomen - soft non tender BS +

P/R -  no masses , glove stained with stools 


No bruits 


Shape of abdomen- obese 

 tenderness - present at epigastric region 

Palpable mass- no

Free fluid- no

Bruits- no

Liver- Not palpable

Spleen- Not palpable

Bowel sound- Yes


Patient is coscious 

Speech - normal 



Chest x ray 

Provisional diagnosis : 
Acute on chronic liver disease ? Alcoholic hepatitis ? 
K/c/ of alcohol and tobacco dependence syndrome with hypokalemia ? Acalculous cholelithiasis ? Esophagitis ? Hepatic encephalopathy 

Treatment given on 11/07/2023

1  Inj diclo 0.5 mg iv stat 
2  inj pan 40 iv stat 
3  inj  buscopan iv stat 


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